&hint1=I am an obelisk& &hint2=I was built for an Egyptian queen& &hint3=I am the tallest obelisk ever erected in Egypt& &hint4=I contain an insciption linking my father to a god& &choices=Standing obelisk of Hatshepsut;Diagram of north-south cross-section of Pyramid of Khufu;Triad of Khamerernebty, Menkaure and Hathor;Kneeling figure of Hatshepsut;Funerary temple of Hatshepsut at Deir-el-Bahari;Cleopatra's Needle, Thames Embankment, London& &answer=Standing obelisk of Hatshepsut& &search=obelisk Hatshepsut& &title=Standing obelisk of Hatshepsut (with obelisj of Thutmosis I in background)& &artist=& &medium=Red granite& &date=c.1486-1469 BCE& &location=Luxor, Karnak, Egypt& &dimensions=height 97'&